Thursday, June 27, 2013

Hi friends! June is coming to an end and we've started making plans for the 4th of July festivities. 
Whether your heading to a BBQ with friends or watching the fireworks on the beach, 
here's a fun and stylish DIY for the upcoming holiday. 

Basic tools are shown above. You can probably find an American flag shirt at any store right now, or if you are crafty, print and iron press the graphic onto a white t-shirt.
1. Mark down 3" from the armhole on  the side seam and 3" from the armhole to the neck width on shoulder seam.
2. Make a nice curve from those two points and cut sleeve off.
3. Do the same on other sleeve (should end up looking like image below)

4. From the bottom corner of your shirt, go up about 6" on each side seam and make a point. Draw an upward curve connecting both points.
5. Make sure you only grab the front of the shirt and cut along the line.
6. From the same point you drew on the 6" mark on each side seam, now draw a downward curve on the back of the shirt.
7. Cut along the line and it should look like the image below.
8. Remove  the shirt from work space and place it over newspaper (It can be any paper. Its just to make sure you don't get paint on your table once you start painting.)
9. Now place your t-shirt back on the table and also put newspaper between the front and back garment like the image below.  (You should only be able to see the front of the t-shirt.)
10. Take the tape and place it where you want the paint to end. I chose right under the flag but you can choose wherever you want.
11. Pour a bit of paint on to a tray (or lid as I did). You can use the sleeve fabric you cut off as a sponge and start dabbing it below the tape.
12. Apply the paint on the front. Once your are done, wait and let it dry.
13. Do the same thing on the back of the shirt, match the tape on the side seams and apply paint. Wait until it drys and flip it over.
14. You should have the front of the shirt facing you. Now grab the front fabric only and cut 1" strips up to the tape, from one side of the shirt to the other.
15. Once front is cut, flip around and do the same thing to the back fabric.
16. After you are done cutting the strips, remove the tape and it should look like this.

Enjoy and happy Independence Day!


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